Over the past few years, I have opened up about a lot of things from dealing with school stuff and depression. But this year, I kept quiet about some of the struggles I was going through. Perhaps it was because I finally felt like I had somewhat overcome a lot of things in my life. I went from flunking in my first year of university to finally graduating, living the broke student life to building a successful blog and The Prep Guy brand, going from being insecure about my personal appearance and feeling worthless to loving myself unconditionally. I shared every struggle until I found success, but I closed up when I started to fall again. Unfortunately, I can’t share anything about it. But I felt smaller than I had ever felt before. I started to become a recluse, I started sharing less on social media, and I became more guarded in my personal life. I needed to take the time to work on building myself up again, without letting anything faze me. All in all, it was safe to say that I needed an escape!
Earlier this year, I was approached by Tourism Mexico to do a fun little press trip to Mexico and the timing couldn’t be more perfect. It was the first real vacation I had been on in years and I was finally excited to come out of my shell.
One of the beautiful things about my trip to Mexico was being able to face my fears and challenge myself to overcome them, or at least give it a try. The trip allowed me to let my walls down, get to know new people – and bond with some old pals on a deeper level. Now I finally feel like I have a fresh start and I finally have my head up high! I can’t wait to share some of the beautiful things and places I got to experience with you all!
Thanks for reading The Prep Guy. Be sure to follow myself on Instagram @ThePrepGuy!